Overall, MindGenius is a useful brainstorming tool that helps you convert your mind maps from simple brainstorming documents into tools for managing your projects and business. They consistently roll out cool new features; most recently, their MindGenius 2019 version offers ways to share information with others with integration to MindGenius Online, Twitter, Facebook and Dropbox, One Drive and Google.
The Mind Map Book - Tony Buzan Crackl
Your next step is to turn your mind map into a book outline. In essence, your main idea will become the basis for the title of your book, the topics that support this idea will become the basis for your chapters and the sub-topics will become the basis for your sub-chapters.
You can apply mind maps to just about anything, from writing a book to creating a marketing plan to simplifying your bills. The one that I want to share with you today is a simplified version of what resulted from my client session, the foundation of a Career Master Plan (see image above).
Establishing foundations in your mind by reading authoritative textbooks will help you develop pattern recognition. This skill leads to faster use of the logical forms of inference we discussed in the first part of this article.
So far I have referenced Tony Buzan books for mindmapping. I am realizing that I need to give my students a short and useful explanation of how to use mindmapping and why. This post is intended to be useful, so I will not go into historical, classical and programmable aspects of mindmapping, but focus on my own and very useful version of it.For me a mindmap represents an article or a book chapter, but it can be larger or smaller. A group of mindmaps may create a larger mindmap like trees create a forest.
I come from the Udemy Superlearner course!I was wondering how to link visual markers after reading a book to mind mapping.What I am currently doing is to come up with detailed compound markers to encapsulate main ideas in the book, and then try to put these images into the mindmap.. however you mentioned that the images we use for mindmapping should not be too detailed. So how do we add these compound markers into the mindmap? If we are to even add it in at all. 2ff7e9595c